
Men’s Health Month

men's health month tips

The connection between physical health and mental health is undeniable. Challenges like chronic stress, anxiety, depression and trauma can manifest in issues including high blood pressure, cardiovascular disease and an increased risk of diabetes and substance use disorders.

Often, men ignore unusual symptoms and neglect to schedule routine screenings and checkups, which can lead to untreated illnesses and preventable health conditions. On average, American men live nearly six years less than women. In observation of Men’s Health Month, what can you do to improve this statistic for yourself?

1. Understand Your Risk Factors

Men tend to take more risks than women. That includes choosing careers that routinely put them in dangerous or high-pressure situations, such as first responders, military service members and construction workers. Men also drive more carelessly and get involved in more car accidents than women. You may have unhealthy habits like drinking, smoking and eating overly processed convenience foods. All these lifestyle decisions can shorten your life or lead to injuries and illnesses.

2. Be Honest With Your Doctor

Men are less likely than women to make preventive medical appointments and visit a doctor regularly. Some reasons for this include cultural expectations that men should “tough it out” when they don’t feel good. However, routine physical and mental checkups can diagnose health concerns in the early phases. It’s also crucial to speak openly with your health providers during your time with them – “embarrassing” symptoms like low libido and erectile dysfunction can signify severe medical issues such as depression and heart disease.

3. Listen to Your Loved Ones

If you are in a relationship, pay attention when your spouse, partner or significant other encourages you to seek therapy or schedule preventive health care services. These loved ones are not “nagging” because they are overbearing or want to tell you what to do – they are expressing their concern and want to enjoy many more years with you.

Make Informed Decisions and Build Better Habits

Most people want to live longer and age gracefully. Preventive measures can prolong your life and ensure you can stay fitter, happier and healthier, but that means you must be willing to ask for help when you need it.

Since 1984, Pine Grove has been the premier treatment campus for men battling substance use disorder, mental illness and dual diagnoses. Our best-in-class Men’s Next Step Program gives our male clients the clinical and emotional support they need for lasting recovery.

Often, our clients arrive after a long-fought battle with one or more unaddressed mental and behavioral health conditions. Our experienced clinicians have designed a unique men’s-only program that acknowledges the cultural expectations, risk factors and relationship issues men struggle with. We support men’s health through multiple pathways backed by decades of scientific research, outcomes data and industry best practices. To learn more about our accredited men’s-only treatment program, contact us today.

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