Alumni Services

The Pine Grove Alumni Program

Pine Grove Behavioral Health & Addiction Services offers recovery support services to every patient who completes one of Pine Grove’s addiction treatment programs. During treatment, Pine Grove creates the foundation for long-term contented recovery, and putting that education to work often begins when patients leave the treatment environment and integrate into the real world. The Pine Grove Alumni Program is designed to support the recovery process after treatment through a variety of programs that support our patients’ continued recovery.

The Pine Grove Network Program

The Pine Grove Network Program connects alumni with patients during treatment to begin a positive relationship prior to discharge. This creates a bond and opens the door for the newly sober to pick up the phone and ask for help when they return home. This program helps to connect alumni when they relocate or travel. Sometimes an exiting patient may be the first alumni in their home town, and it’s beneficial to their recovery to connect them with fellow Pine Grove alumni. Exiting patients find it helpful to talk with alumni via e-mail or phone calls. Permission to connect is requested, and participation is voluntary.

The Alumni Days of Hope

The Days of Hope is a powerful retreat offering recovery support for Pine Grove’s alumni of the organization’s addiction treatment programs. Alumni are invited to return to Pine Grove’s campus for renewal with the staff and current patients. This program is a valuable experience for the alumni, patients and Pine Grove’s staff. Each patient will experience Days of Hope while in treatment, encouraging them to participate after they leave. This program is designed for Pine Grove’s alumni to give and receive HOPE.

Annual Alumni Reunion

Pine Grove’s Annual Alumni Reunion is an extended version of Pine Grove’s Days of Hope, which is offered throughout the year. Alumni and their families return to Pine Grove’s campus to re-connect with staff and current patients. The weekend concludes with a spiritual send off on Sunday morning.

Alumni Reunion 2024

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Weekly Aftercare Meeting

One of the benefits of Pine Grove’s Alumni Program is the ability to participate in the weekly aftercare call that is facilitated by the organization’s professional Alumni staff. Every Thursday afternoon at 12 noon (CST), former Pine Grove patients, who are members of the Alumni Program, may join this weekly meeting via Zoom to continue their peer connections, maintain a relationship with Pine Grove’s staff, and receive support and guidance within a virtual group setting. Each week, specific topics that are important to living in recovery are discussed. These topics may include sponsorship, forgiveness, self-acceptance, resentments, fear, spirituality, expectations, and ego reduction. The group also addresses other topics as presented by the group. Some of the benefits of this weekly meeting for Pine Grove’s Alumni include learning to be accountable, developing communication and listening skills, and being open minded in recovery. For more information about the weekly Aftercare Meeting, please contact our Alumni Department at

Alumni Newsletter

The Pine Grove Alumni Newsletter is an important way for alumni to stay in touch. Pine Grove’s Alumni Program produces a dedicated alumni newsletter each quarter for the organization’s alumni, family and friends. Pine Grove welcomes article submissions from alumni and their family members for consideration.

Structured Family Recovery®

Structured Family Recovery is a program at Pine Grove Behavioral Health & Addiction Services that outlines how each family member impacts a patient’s recovery after treatment. Developed by Pine Grove Consultant Debra Jay, this program creates a defined family support system which can provide empathy, understanding, and accountability once a patient completes treatment.


Contact The Alumni Department

Pine Grove’s Alumni Program is interested in your feedback on how to improve communication with us. Alumni and their family members have important suggestions and we welcome this advice. If you are an alumnus or alumna of Pine Grove and have not been receiving our quarterly newsletters and other correspondence, please fill out our Alumni Consent Form and we’ll get you added to the newsletter.

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