Success Stories

Success Stories

Pine Grove Behavioral Health & Addiction Services is proud to be a nationally recognized center for healing. Read on to see just a select few of the success stories from our alumni network.

— Scott T, MD

“I’m thankful to Pine Grove for the treatment I received. The road to recovery was not an easy road back. I still do the same fundamental things today that I had to do to get to the point of recovery. I realized that honesty and open-mindedness was a must. I had to surrender all… I wanted real success.”

— Beau F.

“Life saving! Extremely competent staff who all seemed very passionate, without exceptions. All therapists were extraordinary & cared for patients in a very customized way. All needs were met & any “selfish wants” were vetted with seriousness & with the utmost sincerity.”

— Joe D.

“The team was fantastic, helpful, and welcoming. They truly care, and it shows in a big way. I unfortunately had to leave early because of physical health, but cannot recommend Pine Grove enough and will go back if the need arises. They aren’t just a rehab center, they handled my mental health issues with poise and professional experience that was invaluable to me. Thank you everyone!”

— Zachary H.

“I came into Pine Grove a 32 year old hopeless junkie not caring if I were dead or alive, and left Pine Grove a man filled with hope and a renewed purpose to live again! I give all the credit to the amazing staff from top to bottom! It was through their dedication, their compassion, and their unwavering support that gave me the strength to believe in myself again. Pine grove will forever hold a special place in my heart and I’m eternally grateful for each person that played a role in my recovery journey! Today I’m able to be the Father I only could dream of becoming to my 3 year old son! Thank you Pine Grove!”

— Eli M.

“I’ve been here when i was on the adolescent and adult units, they are both very good and helped me in my time of crisis. Adult unit you can have your own room. Food is VERY delicious here, staff is very friendly and will help as much as they can.”

— Stacy W.

“I was admitted for Trauma treatment. I received excellent care. My therapists were intuitive and knowledgeable. We worked together to develop a personalized plan for my treatment. I accomplished more there than I would have in months of outpatient therapy.”

— William

“The best thing about Pine Grove is the staff! They really let me know that they cared about me. From the moment I arrived to the moment I left, I was treated with kindness and respect. They treat all aspects of the person–physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual–very well. They also have an excellent alumni program which offers free events throughout the year to give former patients the opportunity to reconnect with their program and to interact with current patients for mutual encouragement and support. I highly recommend Pine Grove!”

— Meredith C.

“From the moment I walked through the doors of the Womens Center, I was greeted by staff and other patients who helped ease my anxiety. All the therapists and staff were extremely supportive and challenging in my recovery. I now have a new outlook and tools needed for a successful journey in recovery.”

— A.D.

“Amazing experience with PEP program at PineGrove. The therapists are amazing, intentional and helped me see my blind spots so that I can be a better person, dad, partner and friend. I would highly recommend Pine Grove to anyone wanting to be the best version of themselves.”

— Theo C.

“Caring and compassionate people who truly want to see people live their best life. They understand how vulnerable you feel and how frightening it can be, and every staff member I met from the janitorial services to the doctors were friendly and kind. They also emphasize total body wellness and provide stable psych patients plenty of time outside. There are fountains and walking trails. It’s a beautiful campus and I had a great experience there…A topnotch facility filled with devoted and caring professionals.”

— Gigi B.

“I was given hope for a new life. Going to treatment was the hardest, but the best thing that has ever happened to me. Pine Grove is very structured and offers an individual plan for each patient. They have one on one counseling, small group therapy and large group therapy. I was encouraged to dig deep into my emotions and work through painful life experiences. I was also taught proper communication and coping skills–which was vital to my sobriety and learned a lot about conflict resolution. The disease element of addiction was throughly discussed and helped me to understand how my brain had changed with my addiction and how an active program of recovery could help correct the negative changes. I physically was put back on track with a healthy diet, exercise, meditation and yoga. My life is forever changed because of the things I learned at Pine Grove and I am eternally grateful.”

— Carrie

“I would like to come back anytime you need someone to share their experience. I tried for 8 1/2 years to get sober. I went to two short term rehabs and spent six stints in Psych wards. Then my son found Pine Grove. He did all the research then invited me to lunch. There he told me that he knew the drinking was a disease and that I couldn’t do it on my own. He added that it wasn’t the drinking that disturbed him (or his siblings) but that it was the lying that destroyed them. That hit me in the heart and I found the strength to make the call that got me to Pine Grove. I wanted so much to be able to “blame” him for sending me there, for taking me away from the household I’d run for 26 years. Instead, I found a place to face my demons and I emerged a different person. I am now so grateful for my son’s intuition that Pine Grove could work for me. It’s amazing that this young man I’d raised was able to be up front and honest with his mom, who was filled with so much self-loathing that she didn’t believe change was possible. Now he is getting ready to leave for the Peace Corps. I couldn’t be prouder!”

— Phil A.

“Since my discharge from GP, all I can say is my life is more balanced and grounded than it has probably ever been, and my marriage is certainly in better shape than it has ever been for someone that has been married for 34 years. I am using the tools I learned to use to support my recovery and I feel great about the way it is working. I would be lying if I did not say there were some shaky days for my wife and me after I got home. One of our main problems was we had never allowed ourselves to discuss anything that involved feelings or emotions and after 34 years of life and being in business together it had turned into what I understand to be an intimacy disorder. All of a sudden when I got home I wanted to talk about everything and I think it kind of freaked her out until everything calmed down. The lack of intimacy obviously caused other problems that we did not know how to fix but thanks to my work at GP I am on the right path and head over heels in love with my wife again and could not be happier.”

— Katy G.

“Pine Grove gave me the tools to recover from 16 years of abusing my body, soul and mind with an eating disorder. I will never be able to thank everyone enough. The gifts of recovery are endless and every day is a new miracle. Thank you.”

— Gavin B.

“My time at Pine Grove was a wonderful life changing experience, one I doubt I will ever forget. I have been sober for 16 months thanks to the program, the staff, and friends in the program. I still have ongoing work to do each day, but the quality of my relationships at work and home have improved dramatically. I am more present and compassionate with my wife and kids than I have ever been before. I am very grateful for all the wonderful help and care I received.”
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